Home Energy Rater, Blower Door, Duct Leakage Testing in San Antonio and Surrounding Counties.
Serving Central Texas
Energy Efficiency Services

Home Energy Rating
At Lone Star Energy Efficiency, we offer RESNET Home Energy Ratings. A HERs rating provides a preconstruction energy analysis of your building plans, onsite pre-drywall inspection, and blower door and duct leakage testing.
We use your blueprints and an energy efficiency software program to determine your projected HERs rating. This software can also be used to determine code compliance and forecasted energy usage. The Builder can then use this information to make decisions on HVAC equipment and building products installed at their project to achieve higher HERs rating scores.
LSEE will then perform pre-drywall and duct leakage testing to determine that every air sealing and insulation measure has been made to meet thermal and air sealing requirements. A duct leakage is performed during this stage to ensure that your air ducts will meet minimum requirement earlier in project, to give ample time for subcontractors to come back out to make repairs.
Once all testing has been performed, LSEE will give a HERs rating score based on the HERs index. This rating is between 0-150 with the typical standard home being at 100.
Energy Star Certification
Energy Star certified buildings help save money, energy, and protect the environment! Energy Star certified homes must meet a stricter set of energy performance standards. At Lone Star, we can help you meet these standards by walking you through the process.
The Energy Star process starts during the planning stage, requiring a specific type of framing, insulation, HVAC, and other standards that you do not see on standard code construction. Through energy star process there will be an onsite framing inspection, onsite pre-drywall inspection, blower door, and duct leakage testing.
If interested in the Energy Star certification, check out the Program Requirements page for the Energy Star certification to get a head start on your project. Within this page you will see that the National Version 3.1 does have mandatory requirements that the builder and HVAC installer must meet.
Call now to find out how you can get started on your certification!

IECC Code Compliance: Blower Door and Duct Leakage Testing
Within Central Texas, there are a number of residential building codes that require Blower door and Duct leakage testing before your new home is sold or occupied. We provide testing for: San Antonio and surrounding cities that have adopted the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).
Within the IECC, there are four methods to achieving IECC compliance; prescriptive, performance, Energy Rating Index, and Alternative Home Energy Ratings path. Lone Star is here to help you meet these requirements.
If you are in the planning stage of your new build and are wanting to plan out your IECC options, give us a call and we will be more than happy to talk about our pricing, code compliance and Home Energy Rating packages.
If you have already completed your home and need third party inspections to help clear your permits, San Antonio provides builders with the option of IB-167.
Contact us for our pricing guide at info@lonestarenergyefficiency.com or 210.953.3528 and we will be more than happy to discuss options with you.
Home Energy Audits
Do you feel like you are spending a lot of money on your utility bills? Do you feel like your air conditioner might be leaking air into your attic?
Don't fall for the solar companies performing energy audits to just sell you a solar power system. You should always look to make your existing home more energy efficient before switching to solar.
Our team will do a thorough onsite inspection and perform diagnostic testing on your home. During this process we will inspect your attic, windows, appliances, lighting, HVAC system and ductwork to ensure all data is collected. You will receive an analysis of utility bills, summary of field inspection, and a home performance report.
Its simple to call and set up your Home Energy Audit!

Weatherization Auditing
Lone Star offers Home Energy Consultations to help you understand the energy efficiency of your home and find ways that will save money on bills. Through computer software, we can analyze your current home and give recommendations on improvements to your current home. Our teams have years of experience working with government agencies to help Weatherize homes across the State of Texas. These energy audits have helped thousands of Texans across the state become more energy efficient and also help those on fixed incomes. For more information on WX auditing or Home performance, please contact us for consultation.